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sponsor hacking health camp

Become sponsor

Each year the biggest health players position themselves at the event to benefit from the many advantages generated by the innovation approach in healthcare brought by the Hacking Health Camp and its participants.

Be part of the adventure!

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To take full advantage of the event, benefit from the advantages of being a stakeholder in the innovation process associated with the hackathon!

hacking health camp atelier

Organization of innovation workshops prior to the event, dedicated to your topics, to bring out innovative ideas and present them at the hackathon

Acculturation of your employees and promotion of intrapreneurship with workshops and conferences dedicated on your themes

Sponsor video broadcasted at the opening of the 3 plenaries (conference, hackathon and closing pitch), at the start of the LIVE sequences (example)

10' sponsor's show during the opening ceremony to present your services and products to the participants

Sponsor's dedicated award with 5' talk at the closing ceremony

hacking health camp prix ans
hacking health camp tim brenen

LIVE interview of your representative with packaged video delivered in the desired format after the event (example)

Hacking Health Camp newsletter campaign sended monthly to ~10000 subscribers including your logo

Provision of media resources produced during the event (photos and videos)

Posts on social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram) of the sponsor sticker announcing your support for the event with mention of the sponsor

Statistical report of communication delivered 1 month after the event

hacking health camp post
hacking health camp bms

Display of your logo on the panels: presentation slides, kakemonos, display panels on stage/set, website, newsletter.

Presence of your logo on the wall of logos for "photo call"

About the event :
  • The Hackathon takes place face-to-face in Strasbourg over 3 days from Friday to Sunday.
  • Friday afternoon lectures, weekend interviews and the opening and closing of the hackathon will be available live online.
  • Depuis 2014, ce sont rien de moins que 270 projets prototypés et 27 startups (et encore d’autres projets déployés dans les hôpitaux) qui sont issus de ce processus passionnant d’intelligence collective et une grande communauté qui ne cesse de s’agrandir d’année en année.
  • Voir à ce sujet le bilan de l’édition 2023
  • Also see our YouTube channel for an overview of interviews and conferences