sebastien letelie - hacking health camp

Webinar InterSystems

In this webinar to prepare for Hacking Health Camp 2022, you will discover in the form of an interactive workshop, the FHIR standard as an interoperability tool but also as a model for storing data in health.

In this webinar to prepare for Hacking Health Camp 2022, you will discover in the form of an interactive workshop, the FHIR standard as an interoperability tool but also as a model for storing data in health.

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Discover the FHIR standard

Are you a developer attached to the world of health? You are a health professional and you want to understand the technical challenges of tomorrow? Take advantage of the replay of this webinar to discover FHIR and prepare for Hacking Health Camp 2022


  • Together we will see how to create, test and deploy a FHIR server in the cloud with InterSystems solutions.
  • Finally, we discovered a turnkey tool that will allow you to automatically convert HL7v2 messages to FHIR bundles.

To access the resources presented during the webinar for free, click here